In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why Jed McCaleb, one of the co-founders of Ripple, decided to leave the company and start Stellar, a new cryptocurrency platform. McCaleb is well-known in the crypto community, having also co-founded Mt. Gox, one of the first and largest bitcoin exchanges.
Here Is Why Jed McCaleb Left Ripple
Jed McCaleb left Ripple in 2013 for these reasons:
He had a disagreement with the board of directors of Ripple
Jed had different marketing ideas for Ripple at that time
XRP holdings
Had the knowledge to start his own token
Start his own company
So, why did he make the decision to part ways with Ripple and strike out on his own? We’ll delve into the history and motivations behind his decision, as well as what he has been working on since then.

Who is Jed McCaleb?
Jed McCaleb is an American entrepreneur and programmer who is well-known in the cryptocurrency community. He is best known as a co-founder of Ripple, a cryptocurrency and digital payment protocol, and as the creator of Stellar, an open-source blockchain network.
He is also the co-founder of Mt. Gox, one of the first and largest bitcoin exchanges, which ultimately failed due to a massive hack in 2014. Throughout his career, McCaleb has been instrumental in the development and promotion of various blockchain-based platforms and cryptocurrencies.
Reasons Why Jed McCaleb leave Ripple:
Disagreement with Board of Directors of Ripple
Jed McCaleb, one of the co-founders of Ripple, left the company in 2013 to start a new project, Stellar. While there are a number of reasons for his departure, some of the key factors are:
Differences in vision: According to McCaleb, he and the other members of the Ripple team had different ideas about the direction the company should be heading in. He believed that the project should have a more open and decentralized structure, while the board of directors wanted to focus on working with financial institutions.
Disagreements over XRP distribution: McCaleb had a disagreement with the board over the distribution of XRP, the cryptocurrency that powers the Ripple network. He believed that the distribution process should be more equitable and transparent, while the board had a different approach.
Lack of alignment in priorities: As the company grew, McCaleb felt that he and the other members of the Ripple team were not aligned on the priorities of the project, which caused some tension and ultimately led to his decision to leave.
A desire to work on new projects: Despite his success with Ripple, McCaleb felt a strong desire to work on new projects and explore new ideas in the blockchain space.
Legal disputes: McCaleb and the Ripple board had legal disputes regarding the agreement on the usage and allocation of XRP. This also was a reason for his departure from the company.
Overall, while McCaleb’s departure from Ripple was not necessarily acrimonious, it was clear that he and the board of directors had fundamental differences in terms of vision and priorities for the project. He went on to found Stellar and it has been a successful platform in its own right.
Disagreements With Ripple Over Jed’s Marketing Ideas
One of the main reasons for his departure was his disagreement with the board of directors over the company’s marketing strategy. Some of the key factors were:
Disagreements over social media: McCaleb believed that Ripple should be more active on social media platforms, such as Facebook, in order to increase awareness and adoption of the project. However, the board of directors did not see the value in this approach and disagreed with his ideas.
Different strategies for reaching new customers: McCaleb wanted to expand Ripple’s reach by targeting individual users and small businesses, while the board of directors focused more on partnerships with large financial institutions.
Inability to execute on his ideas: McCaleb found that he was unable to execute on his marketing ideas due to the resistance from the board of directors, which created some frustration for him.
Lack of investment in marketing: McCaleb believed that the company should be investing more resources in marketing and outreach, but the board of directors disagreed and did not prioritize this area.
Disagreements over branding and messaging: McCaleb and the board had different ideas about how Ripple should be branding itself and communicating with its audience. McCaleb felt that the company should have a more open, transparent and community-driven approach, but the board did not agree with his ideas.
Overall, McCaleb’s disagreements with the board of directors over the company’s marketing strategy played a significant role in his decision to leave Ripple and start Stellar.
Wanted to sell off XRP
Jed McCaleb, one of the co-founders of Ripple, has been selling off his XRP, the cryptocurrency that powers the Ripple network, in recent years.
Some of the potential reasons for his decision to sell his XRP include:
Cash flow needs: McCaleb is also an entrepreneur who has started multiple projects and companies, he might need the cash to fund these ventures, and thus the selling of XRP is to cover those expenses.
Personal financial strategy: It’s also possible that McCaleb is simply looking to cash out some of his investments in order to diversify his portfolio or meet other personal financial goals.
An agreement with Ripple: McCaleb has signed a agreement on the usage and allocation of XRP, which might limit the amount of XRP he can hold and sell.
Had the knowledge to start his own token
One of the main reasons for his departure from Ripple and his ability to start a new project like Stellar was his programming knowledge and experience in the blockchain space.
Programming expertise: McCaleb is a skilled programmer with a deep understanding of blockchain technology. He was able to use this expertise to create the Stellar network, which is built on a decentralized and open-source blockchain.
Knowledge of the crypto market: McCaleb has been involved in the crypto market since its early days, and he has a good understanding of the various challenges and opportunities in the space. This knowledge helped him to identify areas where a new blockchain network like Stellar could fill a need.
Strong leadership and vision: McCaleb has a clear vision for what he wanted to achieve with Stellar, and he had the leadership skills to bring together a team of developers to make that vision a reality.
A desire to improve on existing platforms: Despite the success of Ripple, McCaleb believed that the technology could be improved upon, with a more open and decentralized structure, which he achieved through Stellar, so it’s a natural progression for him to leave Ripple and start a new project.
The need to innovate: The constant evolution and innovation in the blockchain space made him eager to bring new solutions, as he was not satisfied with the limitation and compromises of the existing platforms.
Overall, McCaleb’s programming expertise, knowledge of the crypto market, leadership skills, and vision were key factors in his ability to leave Ripple and start a new project like Stellar. His experience and capabilities in the blockchain field helped him to create a new platform that offers many new features and solutions.
Start his own company
One of the main reasons Jed McCaleb started his own company is that he had a different vision for the future of blockchain technology. He believed that it should be more open and decentralized, which he felt wasn’t possible with Ripple. Additionally, he disagreed with the board of directors over the distribution of XRP, the cryptocurrency that powers Ripple.
He also believed that the company should be investing more resources in marketing and outreach, which the board did not prioritize. McCaleb also had a desire to work on new projects and explore new ideas in the blockchain space, as well as to innovate and improve on existing platforms.